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Greater Kobold by Mike Simon |
This morning finds Rythax waking up in a rented room on the second floor of the Dark Titan Taproom. One of the Gnome Titans staying there let him crash on the floor because he was in no shape for waking home.
Anise and Mykal find him later in the morning nursing his hangover. He doesn't look all that well, between the drinking, sleeping in his clothes, and the damage to his pants from the day before (both the Kobolds and the Barber sewing up his wounds). The trio tries to figure out what to do that day while Lucky (the Human Thief) inquires with Elder Foxhorn about work.
Lucky knocks on the Elder's door only to find he's not in the best of moods. The Elder asks Lucky if he'd bother to look at the bulletin board for postings. Lucky admits he cannot read and they both wander over to the board for a look. There isn't anything posted, which didn't require any reading to begin with. Elder Foxhorn isn't too thrilled being bothered, but Lucky soothes him by offering to fetch the day's water from the well.
Not having anything better to do, Lucky catches up with the group and they decide to walk the mile or so out of town to the Cinder farm. One the way there they see a couple of rabbits sprint past the road, quickly followed by some juvenile wolves. The wolves circle back, surprising half the group. The resulting combat is quick, with two wolves being ToP'd and the other two run off. The party decides to head back to town with the wolf carcasses and managed to get 1 silver a piece for the pelts. The furs were rather nice, if a little small.
The group finally makes it to the farm a little bit before dinner (meals are breakfast, dinner, & supper). Mykal's mom Melena is more than happy to answer what little she knows about wolves while dinner is being made. Afterwards Lucky and Myka help out in the fields, with Lucky asking a lot of questions about farming. Anise heads back to town to put in some transcribing work at her "day job" and Rythak gets to put his feet up....literally. Mrs. Cinder looks at his wounds and makes him change out of his pants so she can have them cleaned and mended.
Gart'Mar, the 20th of Haar'Kiev in the year 14063.
The morning finds the group meeting up once again at the Dark Titan Taproom, even though everyone already ate. They wonder aloud if there was anything to do and as a group they mosey over to the village bulletin board. There is a new notice about a bounty on Kobold ears. A rather generous bounty of 1 silver per left ear, payable at the Furrier's, is now in effect. Lucky wants to see if he can get a small shield before they go out Kobold hunting. He doesn't know how to use a shield, but he wants one anyway. He heads on over to the mercer, who runs a small store. While the bulk of his wares are in textiles, he does have a small stock of other items. If he doesn't have it, he can get it within a couple of weeks. He does happen to have a small shield, but at 15 silver, it is far too expensive for Lucky (who has only a couple of silver).
The group sets off about noon towards the only place they've seen kobolds, the site of the failed ambush. The tree has already been sectioned and hauled away. Rythak searches around for tracks in the vicinity, but cannot find anything useful. The group heads back to Badger Falls empty handed. Once back at the Dark Titan Taproom they hear that most of the kobolds have been spotted to the West and North of town. The hunters aren't going out of their way looking for the kobolds, but do try to harvest them if they happen to cross paths. The group asks for any advice the hunters might have and are told, "Do not follow them into their lairs, but that is generally good advice about any animal." The party agrees to turn in and meet back at sunrise for a day of kobold hunting.
Arlora is Full Moon
Bardra'Kar is Half Moon Waxing
Shadara is Half Moon Waxing
Pin'Mar, the 21st of Haar'Kiev in the year 14063.
The party starts off this day by meeting outside of the Dark Titan Taproom.
OOC: One of the players ask about the "dive" bar in town and I have to remind them that they've never bothered to check out the nicer establishment yet!
They decide to head off roughly North/Northwest down one of the logging trails with Rythax checking periodically for tracks. A couple hours later he manages to (luck out and) find some. The group gets in line and follows the small path, seeing where it diverges several times towards some game trails. Rythax is heads-down, only paying attention to the tracks, and manages to fall face-first into a spiked pit trap. It seems easy enough for him to climb out. The trap is along a game trail and there is a piece of rotting meat tossed in among the spikes.
Lucky gets the idea of either filling in or covering up what they assume is the kobold's pit trap and placing their own a few yards away. There is some discussion regarding this effort and when the group is ready to proceed then they discover that nobody has a shovel. The initial plan is changed from a single pit trap to a trio of small leg snares, spread out away from the game trail with the presumption that the kobolds are deliberately keeping off that trail.
By now it is afternoon and the group decides to head back to town. While Rythax is leading them back along the kobold trail that lead them to the pit trap they manage to find a trio of kobolds that was tracking them! The three rush Rythax, getting in two quick hits before he can retaliate. Both wounds are minor, but Rythax still hasn't recovered from his last kobold encounter. Rythax's initial attack was so ferocious it killed the lead kobold on the spot, sending its body flying back 10' and landing with a sickening thud. The corpse is hunched over in an unnatural position. The other two immediately turn and run away at a 90* angle from the path, in opposite directions. Lucky tries to follow one, but it managed to get away. The dead kobold has its ear removed, a handful of trade coins liberated, and it's lifeless body strewn aside. The party makes it back to town and gets its bounty.
3sp, 20tc
NPCs introduced:
Belpas Slayergrey (Human Male: Furrier)
Greneerill (Halfling Male: Mercer)
Melena Cinder (Human Female: Retired Knight) Cinder Farm
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